Try to explain to yourself that he who is born must one day die. Such is the law of nature. And rightly so.If it were not so, the world today would be full of mothers.There would be no space left for others. Each person brings with himself/herself a specific number of breaths. One by one the breaths leave the body. When the last breath leaves the body, it drops down. This we call death. Your beloved mother is not dead. She is very much alive. If you give up physical attachment, you may be able to hear her speak to you. In any case, she is taking care of you, you can not see her for between you and her there is a curtain. Say to yourself again and again: "My mother is not dead: she is on the Other Side of the curtain. When my time comes,I shall go and meet her." In due course,you will come out of the state of depression in which you find yourself today.